The happiness that parents have for their newborn is so immense that no matter how stressful or tiring raising a baby can be, parents will always have a smile on their face. A pediatrician will give you all the information that you need for the correct development of your baby but we would like to share some Baby Care Tips that you can read up on to help you care for your baby even more:
It is true that babies cry when they are hungry or are in discomfort. So it is safe to assume that a baby cries for many reasons because they are unable to communicate in another method. Till sometime back most people thought that babies cried due to a stomach ache. But the modern day science says that the reason might be due to acid reflux; and this is painful for adults so you can image what a baby might be experiencing. If your baby is crying, arching his back and also spitting it is important that you take your baby to a pediatrician immediately as these are the symptoms of acid reflux.
We encourage you to hold your baby as much as possible. It is perfectly alright. Please ignore if someone says that you should not do so or else your baby will be too much dependent on you. There is no way that a mother’s touch will bring harm to the baby. They are a little miracle that needs to be held, cradled and hugged. Scientific studies have also proved that babies feel more satisfied when they are held and grow up with high self esteem.
Baby wipes can prove to be really expensive and can also be the reason for irritation to the sensitive skin of a baby. We suggest that you use an ordinary damp cloth that is soft and clean to wipe your baby.
Sterilizing the baby’s bottle used to be somewhat of a time consuming task. However the times have changed and there are some sterilizing machines available in the market that easily sterilize a bottle in a matter of minutes. There are also some that simply require you to put in the microwave and within minutes the bottles are all clean and ready to use.
It has also been proven that babies can be soothed with gentle and soft music. The melodies sound of instruments and a calming voice can quite an irritated baby. In fact if you play music in the car it can also put your little angel to sleep. Give it go and you will agree with us.
Remember that these tips are for you as suggestions to help you but we would request you to follow the instructions of your pediatrician.