When Kids Simply Won't Cooperate

When kids decide not to cooperate, one needs super-human tendencies to get the better of them. Their tantrums can drive anybody crazy and the sanest of us all are left pulling our their hair in desperation. So what to do in situations like these ?

Here are a few suggestions that can help you tactfully teach your kids learn to co-operate :

Compliance: Tell them why it matters

Most of the times the kids don’t know what is the reason behind stopping them to eat something, or keeping them away from the T.V. Screen, or why you tell them to eat green vegetables, why you want them brush their teeth before sleeping etc. Believe it not if you give them reasons solid enough to comply to what you say, they might just understand.

Empathize with his/her feelings

Kids throw tantrums when they want to do something and you don’t let them. More than the stopping-to-do part what annoys them is the fact that you say a No without even considering their request. If you listen and then politely reject their appeal it will not have the same raging reaction. Empathy can go a long way in getting your child co-operate with you.

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Grant one wish, Demand one wish

Co-operating is not a game that can be played solo. So if you offer co-operation from your end first, chances are that the child will respond in a similar manner. Give in to his demands at times. Grant him the freedom to do what he wishes to and in return tell them to do something you desire them to.

Bribe them. Make it a win-win situation

Bribing is not the best tactic we are suggesting, but it is O.K. to make use of it at times (make sure it’s not often). It works exactly in the reverse order of the previous suggestion. Here you demand the kid to co-operate first and then you reward them in return. 

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If nothing works, try a hug

If your kid has shown signs of increased irritability and is terribly acting out, maybe it is because he is feeling emotionally disconnected to you. Maybe he’s been longing for your attention from a long time. So, consider this possibility and when nothing is working, just hug it out. You’ll be surprised to see how well it works out.