Guide to Parents When Shopping with Children

Sometimes doing even the simplest task can become a challenge when we have children to take care of. Take shopping for example, I am sure that you must have one time or the other returned empty handed because you just had your hands full with keeping the kids together. Well, here is a simple list of things you can keep in mind before you go shopping the next time:

Children’s Limits: When you are shopping, keep in mind that children have a limit too, pay attention to them - are they hungry or tired, sensitive to the noise and commotion, some fresh-air or maybe just a hug from their mother?

Curious Children: Children are very curious and the younger they are, the more they want to explore new things. Don’t scold them if they want to touch or pick up something that they find attractive. Instead teach them how to hold it safely or tell them that they can look at it but not pick it up.

Avoid crowds: It’s best to avoid crowds, so make your shopping trips when you know the mall won’t be crowded. You will have more energy to pay attention to your children and be able to get home quickly also.

Learn to say ‘NO’: Remember that it’s perfectly fine to say no to your children, but it needs to be conveyed in a manner that they accept it. Convince them that you are on their side with a small gesture of a hug or a cuddle. Tell them that you will add it to the list on the next shopping trip!

Shopping with Toddler

Shopping with babies is easier if they are fed and had a nice long nap. Since malls have dry air, make breaks to give them some water or juice to keep them hydrated. Babies are happy if you carry them instead of being in a stroller or the shopping cart. Also, carry a small toy so that they stay occupied when you are busy searching for the items from your shopping list.


When out shopping with toddlers, include them in the shopping chores. Ask for their approval and suggestions when selecting/picking fruit. This will make them feel involved and make the whole experience pleasurable for both of you. Take along some snacks and juice in case they get hungry.

Shopping with Kids

Older children

Older children can help you shop; the trick is to make it fun and enjoyable. Take with you a picture book and ask them to help you get the items from your shopping list. Ask them to get one item at a time and return to the cart as soon as they have it. You’ll be less tired and they will mature as-well.

Always take into consideration that children will behave if they are given attention. Children will be happy to go shopping with you if you make the whole experience interesting and fun. Just attend to their needs and make them feel that you are there for them physically and emotionally.